2On this page: Federal Guidance, Federal Sponsor Guidance, Non-Federal Sponsor Guidance
COVID-19 related research administration guidance varies by federal department and agency. Click here to view frequently asked questions related to research administration.
Funders and other leaders in the philanthropic sector recognize the critical need to act with fierce urgency to support nonprofit partners and their communities due to the global health and economic crisis brought on by the rapid spread of COVID-19. Spearheaded by the Ford Foundation, Trust-Based Philanthropy Project, and the Council on Foundation, more than 40 major US-based and international foundations pledged their commitment to more flexible funding and eight shared principles of grantmaking to help grantee partners meet emergency needs prompted by the COVID-19 crisis. As of March 20, that list includes more than 150 funders.
Johns Hopkins University
Research Administration
1101 E. 33rd Street, C310
Baltimore, MD 21218
(443) 927-3073
Email: jhura@jhu.eduSend an email to jhura@jhu.edu