In March of 2022 JHU announced the new Coeus forms that ensure our compliance with federal regulations. The changes reflect new requirements described in the May 25th communication from Vice Provost Denis Wirtz.
Links to the updated forms are below. You can also find them on the Proposal Review and Submission page.
A few notes:
Published: June 15, 2022
Previous related announcements are posted below in chronological order.
Published: March 9, 2020
The new Coeus forms ensure JHU’s compliance with federal regulations.
A few notes about the new forms:
We rely on the other institution to perform their due diligence just as we perform ours, and this letter signifies this. Additionally, Coeus will no longer ask you to complete these questions for non-JHU key personnel.
Some additional clarification on the forms:
These forms are available in your Coeus record and on the Proposal Development-Documents and Forms page.
Published: December 22, 2020
The compliance questionnaire has been updated and is available in Coeus and on the JHURA website.
Here’s what you need to know:
Compliance Questionnaire on the JHURA Website:
Compliance Questionnaire in Coeus
You can find the updated compliance questionnaire, compliance questionnaire with explanations, and investigator certification questionnaire.
*Child questions may or may not need to be answered depending on the answer to the parent question. Typically, a “yes” answer will lead to the necessity of answering the child questions to provide more details.