If you have a program announcement/RFP/BAA, you must upload it as an attachment into the Coeus record. We require a copy to be kept on file in the event the link deactivates for audit purposes. JHURA will review the announcement to determine all required components of a proposal, all of which must be uploaded into the Coeus record. Where there are no sponsor guidelines, JHURA requires all of the following at least3 days prior to the due date:
1. Budget – minimum of direct and indirect amount fields completed
- Coeus Budget is not required unless it is a system‐to‐system submission
- Uploaded Excel spreadsheet is required when budget was not entered directly in Coeus
2. Budget Justification
- Include documentation of sponsor F&A rate if other than our NICRA rate (published sponsor policyor email from a Grants Officer)
- Cost share documentation, if applicable
- Scope of Work/Narrative/Project Summary
- Coeus Compliance Questionnaire signed by PI, either electronically or on paper and uploaded (oneper record)
- Certification questions must be completed by everyone listed on investigator tab and keypersonnel tab. Highly recommend investigators complete electronically. Otherwise, eachinvestigator must answer the 5 certification questions and sign, and each form uploaded.
- FCOI forms (if applicable)
- Subaward information (Subrecipient Determination Form, budget, budget justification andstatement of work) if subrecipient(s) are listed on the budget.
- Any forms requiring signatures. If there are contract terms included, JHURA will review all theterms and may need to include an exception letter with the proposal.