' Subawards | JHURA

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The Outgoing Subawards team (JHU OUTBOUND) is responsible for drafting, negotiating and managing outgoing Subagreements. The Outgoing Subawards team works in conjunction with the department administrator, the Office of Finance and the Controller’s Office to ensure the proper agreement is executed with a subrecipient and helps to ensure risk mitigation and proper stewardship of research funds issued to collaborators.

If you have questions regarding your specific SWiFT record, please contact the record manager that is assigned to the record in SWiFT.

For general questions, please use the JHURA Department Assignment list to find your subaward contact.

What Is a Subaward?

A subaward (also known as a subagreement or subcontract) is an agreement issued by JHU under its Prime Award to another organization, setting forth the terms and conditions whereby the subrecipient will assist JHU by performing a significant programmatic aspect of the overall project. The subaward process begins when a grant, cooperative agreement, or contract is issued to JHU from a sponsor for the purpose of completing a project/research study within a certain period of time with a set amount of funding (“Prime Award”).

Subawards Process

In this section you will find information and resources that can help guide you in the set-up, monitoring, and closeout of a subaward. Learn more:

Regulations Governing Subawards

The JHURA Subawards team must always operate within the parameters of: Federal, State, and Local laws governing Subawards, Unique Agency Regulations, Prime Award terms, and JHU Policy. Learn more about the Uniform Guidance Regulations Governing Subawards.

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn the answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Subawards.

Documents and Forms

In addition to sponsor guidelines and policies, the University and the various departments, schools, and centers may have additional requirements for subawards. Visit our Documents and Forms for Subawards page for more details.

About the JHURA Subawards Team


Johns Hopkins University
Research Administration

1101 E. 33rd Street, C310
Baltimore, MD 21218

(443) 927-3073
Email: jhura@jhu.eduSend an email to jhura@jhu.edu

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